Full Life
Assembly of God
1249 Plum St., DeQuincy, LA
All About Us
We are excited that you are interested in learning more about our community here at
Full Life Assembly.
We are loving family that have been to, and through, the battles of life and want to be here to help you and your family through yours.
Together we will press into God, reading His word, worshipping His majesty, always in prayer and supplication and unity.
We believe in the SALVATION of God for everyone, by the grace of God and not by man's works. He's not a God of second chances, but He is a God of "another chance." He is always ready with open arms to receive you into His will for all eternity, in all love.
We believe in the BIBLE, the whole Word of God, Old Testament and New Testaments, as the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.GOD THE FATHER is our very source of life and all that exists. With the Son and the Holy spirit He created man kind in His image to love and have a personal relationship with for all eternity.
JESUS, THE SON is God incarnate, came down from Heaven n the form of human man to be the ultimate sacrifice for all sinners. By His blood shed at Calvary, He has taken our place and we can now receive eternal life and forgiveness of sins and life eternal.
The HOLY SPIRIT as our Comforter that was spoken of by Jesus Himself, here for our guidance and power as we submit to Him daily. He fills us with power from on high to anoint us to witness and to edify the church.
And we work toward the prize of the high calling of God as we await His SECOND COMING, were the Lord himself will come down from heaven and we who are still alive and are left, will be caught up together with them that have gone before us in the clouds to meet the Lord and spend all of eternity in Heaven.